Convert Anglesea's brown coal mine and power station into a renewable energy generation and storage facility with a visitor centre to tell the story of this iconic transformation from environmental, technological and cultural perspectives while delivering economic and environmental benefits to the local community and beyond.
Clean Energy
Repower Anglesea proposes the installation of a solar farm and battery storage facility that can supply 100% of Anglesea's annual electricity needs consistently and reliably.
Solar Farm

It is estimated that a 17 MW solar PV farm could generate approximately 22 GWh of electricity per annum, being 100% of Anglesea's annual electricity consumption. A conventional solar farm could be installed on 44 acres of land while a compact solar farm could be installed on 30 acres of land, which would easily fit on the power station site without destroying any habitat.
Battery Storage

A 4 MW battery storage facility could power approximately 1,000 homes for 6 hours, which is enough to get most homes in Anglesea through the evening peak. The facility could also help relieve constraints in Powercor's electricity distribution network and thereby delay costly upgrades. Housed in two shipping containers, the facility would require less than 1/4 acre of land.
Grid Access

The solar farm and battery storage facility could be connected to the local 22 kV electricity distribution line. This would enable the site to supply renewable energy to Anglesea, the Surf Coast Shire and possibly beyond through the National Electricity Market. Connection is subject to confirmation and agreement with Powercor, the local electricity distribution comany.

Visitor Centre
Building on the transformation of this iconic site, the visitor centre will provide site tours and house a science, technology and environment museum, art gallery, theatre, café and retail store offering an entertaining educational experience for young and old alike.
Tours & Museum

Site tours will help visitors understand the site's indigenous and industrial heritage and enable them to get up close and personal with renewable energy generation and storage technologies. In addition, an interactive and educative exhibition space (like ScienceWorks) will enable visitors to explore the environmental and technological aspects of climate and energy transitions.
Art & Theatre

Through art, theatre, dance and multi-media, Repower Anglesea will enable visitors to explore the social and cultural aspects of climate and energy transitions. Repower Anglesea will display indoor and outdoor art works and deliver performance art programs for children and adults. A theatre and workshop will entertain visitors and provide opportunities for participation.
Cafe & Retail Store

The Repower Café will enable visitors to relax and sample local produce. Every so often, a guest could be invited to introduce a climate or energy related topic for exploration and discussion in smaller groups over lunch. The retail store nearby will offer a range of inspiring gifts and guides to living more sustainably.

When implemented, Repower Anglesea will deliver cheaper electricity for retail customers, an income stream for the community and investors and a major tourist attraction on the Great Ocean Road that supports local jobs and businesses as well as the environment.
Savings & Income

It is proposed that Anglesea residents who purchase electricity from Repower Anglesea (via its retailer) will receive a discount on their electricity bill. It is also proposed that part of Repower Anglesea be owned by community members either as shareholders or as members of an energy co-operative. Either way, financial returns could fund community activities and provide income to investors. Given the scale of the proposal, it is envisaged that a partnership with developers and financiers will be required.
Jobs, Tourism & Business

Repower Anglesea will create jobs in construction and installation, operation and maintenance, and in tourism and education. Showcasing how the transition to renewable energy can take place with community involvement and positive economic outcomes, Repower Anglesea will attract visitors and lengthen visitor stays on the Great Ocean Road. Educational programs will attract school groups and support local school camps. More visitors to Anglesea and longer stays in the area will support local businesses.

By generating enough renewable energy to power Anglesea for the whole year, Repower Anglesea will reduce annual carbon emissions by 32,127 tonnes. In addition, Repower Anglesea will raise environmental awareness and provide environmental education to visitors of all ages. In keeping with its environmental ethos, Repower Anglesea will ensure that the scale of development is appropriate for the site, help maintain water quality in the Anglesea River and remain sensitive to other land uses.

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